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Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Tulisa - Young

Have you seen Tulisa's latest video? No, not that one you pervert, her new music video for new song 'Young.' It's filmed in Miami and has a LOT of crazy shenanigans going on in it. Here is a basic run-down of the narrative...

Hola Miami! Tulisa in da house! What you reckon...too many bags?
Here is my buddy to come pick me up! But who is this bastard next to me? Now where will I put my bags?
 Fuck the bags 
Woo! It's time to get crazy wild! What shall we do? I know...
...Let's go rollerblading in the scabbiest bit of town!
Oh look! A random lamb!
Let's steal it! Hey, we're young! This is what young people do, right?
Little lamb, you are now our drugs mule.
Back to the hotel...this woman could NEVER be in our gang. She is too fat and unattractive and she is definitely not YOUNG.
So let's mug the bitch! Honestly don't worry gang, this is really normal where I'm from. Camden.
It was so worth it! Now we're in a moderately nice hotel room!
And I'm really really excited!
Oh, it's night already? We must have bounced around for ages! Quick, time to get ready for a BIG night out.
Hitler face! Oh wow we are so crazy! Must be because we are YOUNG.  I have SUCH a big night planned for us....

...In an art gallery! The best place to spend our youth!
JUST KIDDING! I  had you fooled then didn't I? We are actually here to do some serious vandalism.
Hold my glass slave. Oh, you though we were friends?
This is gonna be soooo funny!
"I am seriously pissed off."
OMG! Can't believe I'm getting chucked out! (Hee Hee)
Damage done, now let's par-tay!
OMG Fazer! Who invited you? Awkward!
Oh sod it, come here you! (please don't sell any sex tapes of me!)
Party over, now it's time to get down and dirty...
Psyche! You thought I was going to do something sexual didn't you?! LOL! 


Wow that was so much fun. I sure do love being YOUNG!
Note: It later emerged that Tulisa and friends were on many class A drugs during the filming of this video. During their 12 hour rampage through Miami, 'The Female Boss' was written on public property no less that 75 times. When police had caught up with the criminals, they were all found dead in a hotel room. Luckily a lamb was found alive, despite being extremely distressed. Police urge young people not to recreate what they see in this video.

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